The library has a subscription to Harvard Business Review through our Business Source Premier database subscription. Unfortunately, our EBSCO license does not allow for the use of the digital version of HBR or the HBR Cases in your course.
If you wanted to assign an article from Harvard Business Review that we own in print, you can scan pages or single articles from our print volumes in compliance with the Fair Use Act of 1976 and the TEACH Act and upload them into Canvas. We could also put the print copy on course reserve. See our Course Reserve page for information on how to do so.
If you would like to work with Harvard Publishing on providing these materials digitally through a course reader, please visit
Academic journals, business magazines, newspapers, news wires, trade journals, SWOT analysis, country statistics, and industry reports.
Ebsco platform read-aloud feature and screen reader instructions
Research journals, trade publications, magazines, and newsletters covering business and economic conditions, management techniques, theory, and practice of business, advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, taxation, computers, and more.
ProQuest Platform screen reader instructions
Proquest Platform accessibility report
Research global companies and industries with in-depth analysis through current news, statistical data, and comprehensive reports.
Business Insights: Global contains: Global Company and Industry Intelligence, Detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports as well as thousands of company histories and industry essays from Gale's core business collection. There are also case studies, scholarly journals, and business news for deep research coverage of global economies.
Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic) provides access to more than 17,000 news, business and legal sources. Nexi Uni provides access to thousands of news sources in the U.S. and abroad back to the 1970s; aggregated economic data on businesses, corporations, and industries in the U.S. and abroad; and full-text legal documents, including U.S. Federal and State court cases, and law reviews from the late 18th century to present.
Nexis Uni screen reader instructions
Includes over 470 historical and current California Newspapers, including the San Diego Union Tribune.
U.S. and international newspapers.
ProQuest Platform screen reader instructions
Proquest Platform accessibility statement
Cannabis NewsBank features current and historical news and information from more than 12,000 sources, including over three million cannabis and hemp related reports, documents and articles.
To display SDSU Library materials in Google Scholar and include a link to those materials in the results, on the Google Scholar mainpage:
To access the materials from a Google Scholar result look for the link labeled Find it at SDSU, or a direct link to the library database.