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Online Business Cases & Course Materials

This is a guide to electronically accessible business materials that can be used as course materials for classes in the Fowler College of Business

Using Articles from Harvard Business Review as Course Materials

The library has a subscription to Harvard Business Review through our Business Source Premier database subscription. Unfortunately, our EBSCO license does not allow for the use of the digital version of HBR or the HBR Cases in your course.

If you wanted to assign an article from Harvard Business Review that we own in print, you can scan pages or single articles from our print volumes in compliance with the Fair Use Act of 1976 and the TEACH Act and upload them into Canvas. We could also put the print copy on course reserve. See our Course Reserve page for information on how to do so.

If you would like to work with Harvard Publishing on providing these materials digitally through a course reader, please visit

Best Databases for Articles on Business Topics

Configuring Google Scholar for SDSU



To​​ display ​​SDSU ​​Library materials ​in Google Scholar and include a link to those materials in the results, on the Google​​ Scholar​​ main​​page:

  1. Click​​​  on the menu button on the left of the page and select Settings​​​
  2.  Select Library ​​links ​​​and ​​type SDSU
  3. Enter San Diego State into the search box and search. 
  4. Check the boxes labeled San Diego State University and click Save

To access the materials from a Google Scholar result look for the link labeled Find it at SDSU,  or a direct link to the library database.