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Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Childhood OCD:It's Only a False Alarm, Therapist Guide by John Piacentini; Audra Langley; Tami RoblekObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects an estimated 2% of children in the United States and can cause considerable anxiety. OCD is characterized by a pattern of rituals (or compulsions) and obsessive thinking. Common obsessions among children and teens include a fear of dirt or germs, aneed for symmetry, order, and precision, and a fear of illness or harm coming to oneself or relatives. Common compulsions include grooming, repeating, and cleaning rituals. These obsessions and compulsions can severely interfere with daily functioning and are a source of significant distress.Without adequate treatment, the quality of life for youths and families dealing with OCD often suffers.Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has shown to be effective in the treatment of childhood OCD. This Therapist Guide outlines a 12-session CBT-based treatment for OCD that benefits not only children and adolescents, but their families as well. Each session incorporates a family therapy componentin addition to individual treatment for the child. It is a combined approach program that educates the child and family about OCD in order to reduce negative feelings of guilt and blame and to normalize family functioning. This manual also provides guidelines for conducting both imaginal and invivo exposures; techniques at the core of helping children reduce their anxiety. For use with children ages 8 17, this book is an indispensable resource for clinicians helping children and their families cope with OCD.
ISBN: 9780195310511
Publication Date: 2007-04-19
It's Only a False Alarm: Workbook by John Piacentini; Audra Langley; Tami RoblekIt's Only a False Alarm, Workbook is written for children and adolescents ages 8 - 17 who are undergoing treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Designed to be used in conjunction with the program outlined in the corresponding Therapist Guide, this workbook contains easy-to-readpsychoeducational material that help children understand their disorder and how to covercome it. It is filled with interactive worksheets and forms, as well as at-home exercises designed to help children relieve their anxiety and manage their OCD-related symptoms. Whether they are fearful ofcontamination or obsessed with symmetry, children will benefit from the exposure exercises found in this workbook. They will learn that just like a false fire alarm, there is nothing really dangerous around and nothing bad will occur if they don't perform their rituals and habits. Graphs and anOCD Thermometer provide children with a visual reminder of their progress over time.
ISBN: 9780195310528
Publication Date: 2007-04-19
Exposure and Response (Ritual) Prevention for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Edna B. Foa; Elna Yadin; Tracey K. LichnerAn estimated 2-3% of the population is affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This is a chronic condition that significantly affects daily functioning and quality of life. Many people with OCD would greatly benefit from receiving professional help to learn how to successfully managethis debilitating condition. This book guides clinicians in treating individuals with OCD through the use of exposure and ritual (response) prevention, one of the most effective and the most studied treatments for OCD.Designed to be used in conjunction with its companion patient workbook titled Treating Your OCD with Exposure and Ritual (Response) Prevention Therapy, this Therapist Guide includes supporting theoretical, historical and research background information, diagnostic descriptions, differentialdiagnoses, session by session treatment outlines, case examples, sample dialogues, practice assignments, and tailored application to the vast variety of presentations and nuances of the disorder. The manual contains the 'nuts and bolts' of how to provide the treatment and is a comprehensive resourcefor therapists. It is an invaluable guide for clinicians in overcoming the barriers and difficulties that are part and parcel of every treatment.
ISBN: 9780195335286
Publication Date: 2012-03-02
Family-Based Treatment for Young Children with OCD: Therapist Guide by Jennifer B. Freeman; Abbe Marrs Garcia; Jennifer Beth FreemanObsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can develop at a young age and when it does, it can cause significant distress for the child and the family. Parents may be unclear on the nature of OCD symptoms and how to best respond to their child. Family involvement in the child's symptoms may bemaking the situation worse for the whole family. When treating young children with OCD, it is important to recognize the family component and directly involve parents in treatment. It is also essential to tailor the treatment to a child's age and developmental level.This therapist guide presents a family-based treatment for OCD specifically designed for children ages 5-8. Using a cognitive-behavioral approach, it provides psychoeducation for the family and a set of tools for the management of OCD. "Parent tools" involve differential attention, modeling, andscaffolding techniques. "Child tools" include cognitive strategies such as "bossing back" and using a feelings thermometer to rate anxiety. Treatment centers on exposure with response prevention (E/RP), in which the patient faces feared situations without avoidance or rituals until anxietydecreases. The therapist works with the family to create a hierarchy of E/RP tasks that will be conducted in session and practiced at home. A reward plan helps motivate the child to complete tasks and cooperate with parents. The program ends with relapse prevention to maintain gains and preparefor future symptoms. Therapy process issues are addressed throughout treatment to help families improve life at home.With helpful tips for adapting the program to a child's developmental level and family situation, this guide is a "must-have"for clinicians working with childhood-onset OCD. The corresponding workbook for families reinforces the skills introduced in session and provides forms for homework.Children, their parents, and their families will all benefit from this comprehensive treatment package.
ISBN: 9780195373639
Publication Date: 2008-09-10
Family-Based Treatment for Young Children with OCD Workbook by Jennifer B. Freeman; Abbe Marrs GarciaYoung children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) often require professional help to overcome their symptoms. This workbook corresponds to a treatment program specifically designed for children ages 5-8 and their families. Your therapist will tailor the program to your child'sdevelopmental level and family situation. Parents have an important role to play in treatment; you will be attending all sessions and working at home with your child.In therapy, your child will face feared situations without avoidance or rituals until anxiety decreases. This is called exposure with response prevention (E/RP); sessions will tackle E/RP tasks of increasing difficulty. A reward plan will motivate your child to practice E/RP tasks at home with yourhelp. You and your child will also be learning "tools" to manage and reduce OCD symptoms. For example, you will learn how to best use attention with your child and how to model positive behavior. Your child will learn how to "boss back" OCD symptoms and use a feelings thermometer to rate anxiety.This workbook includes all the information your family needs to participate in treatment. Chapters on "parent tools" and "child tools" review the skills learned in session. Instructions for E/RP assist with home practice. There are also tips for maintaining gains after treatment ends and how tohandle future symptoms. Monitoring forms, reward charts, daily practice records, child forms, and session homework sheets are provided. As a family, you can successfully fight against your child's OCD and improve life at home.
ISBN: 9780195373646
Publication Date: 2008-09-15
Helping Families Manage Childhood OCD: Decreasing Conflict and Increasing Positive Interaction, Therapist Guide by Tara S. Peris; John PiacentiniPediatric obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common condition that can take a substantial toll on the entire family system. Research suggests that families of youth with OCD face a unique set of difficulties in that they often are intimately involved in the child's symptoms. Thisinvolvement, also known as symptom accommodation, can be quite taxing, and it is often accompanied by high levels of distress, anxiety, and family conflict. These family responses, while natural and understandable, pose very real problems for treatment. Growing research suggests that poor familyfunctioning undermines successful child OCD treatment.Helping Families Manage Childhood OCD provides clinicians with a comprehensive set of strategies for identifying and intervening with family dynamics that are likely to interfere with successful treatment of pediatric OCD. Moving beyond commonly employed techniques such as parent education andbehavior management training, this manual includes skills training in emotion regulation for the entire family. It offers step-by-step strategies for helping family members to identify and manage their own emotional responses to OCD and provides a foundation for more effective and collaborativeproblem-solving around OCD. Through interactive exercises, families develop strategies for communicating around and troubleshooting difficult OCD episodes as well as strategies for promoting a more positive home environment in which to work on OCD.