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Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders: Therapist Guide by David H. Barlow; Heather Murray Latin; Todd J. Farchione; Shannon Sauer-Zavala; Kristen K. Ellard; Kate H. Bentley; Hannah T. Boettcher; Jacqueline R. Bullis; Clair Cassiello-RobbinsContemporary research on major emotional disorders emphasizes their commonalities rather than their differences. This research continues to lend support for a unified transdiagnostic approach to treatment of these disorders that considers their commonalities and is applicable to a range ofemotional problems.Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders provides an alternative to disorder-specific treatments of various emotional disorders, designed to be applicable to the wide range of anxiety and other disorders with strong emotional components. The Therapist Guide andaccompanying client Workbook present an eight-module therapy program that puts substantial emphasis on emotion-focused approaches, helping clients confront and experience challenging emotions while teaching them how to regulate those emotions. Expanded considerably in this second edition, the volumeprovides guidance on using the Unified Protocol (UP) to address problems not only with anxiety, but also with depression, eating disorders, non-suicidal self-injury, substance use, and anger. Treatment procedures have been further elucidated and more guidance is provided to practitioners on how topresent key treatment concepts. Chapters brand new to this updated edition introduce functional assessment and describe how to provide the UP in a group format, while patient materials have been revised, streamlined, and made more user-friendly.
ISBN: 9780190685973
Publication Date: 2017-12-15
Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders: Workbook by David H. Barlow; Heather Murray Latin; Todd J. Farchione; Shannon Sauer-Zavala; Kristen K. Ellard; Jacqueline R. Bullis; Kate H. Bentley; Hannah T. Boettcher; Clair Cassiello-RobbinsLeading therapists and researchers have come to understand that many psychological disorders share common features and respond to common therapeutic treatments. This deepened understanding of the nature of psychological disorders, their causes, and their symptoms has led to the development ofnew, comprehensive treatment programs that are effective for whole classes of disorders. Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders is one such program.Designed for individuals suffering from emotional disorders, including panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and depression, this program focuses on helping you to better understand your emotions andidentify what you're doing in your responses to them that may be making things worse. Throughout the course of treatment you will learn different strategies and techniques for managing your emotional experiences and the symptoms of your disorder. You will learn how to monitor your feelings,thoughts, and behaviors; confront uncomfortable emotions; and learn more effective ways of coping with your experiences. By proactively practicing the skills presented in this book - and completing the exercises, homework assignments and self-assessment quizzes provided in each chapter, you willaddress your problems in a comprehensive and effective way so you can regulate your emotional experiences and return to living a happy and functional life.