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GEOG 590 Human-Environment Dimensions of COVID-19

Includes list of resources related to Geography 590 course on the Human-Environment Dimensions of COVID-19

Citation Guides

Citation Styles and Tools APA Chicago MLA Citation Tools image

Source: Swobodzinski, M., & Jankowski, P. (2015). The Role of Location and Cost in Individual Choices of Transportation Improvement Projects. Professional Geographer, 67(4), 527–540.

Style Manuals and Citation Formats

Guide to preparing research papers in a particular field of study, especially how to cite the books, journal articles, etc. that you used. It is important that you give complete information about the source in question so that the reader of your paper can find it. Instructors will generally tell you which citation style to use in your research paper.

Understanding APA Citations (7th Edition) Tutorial

Button to start Understanding APA Citations tutorial

Citation Guides