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Publishing Your Article

Suggestions for the Health Sciences

Peer Review

Whether you are being asked to review a paper, or need to respond to a review, these articles can help.

 Benos, Kirk, K. L., & Hall, J. E. (2003). HOW TO REVIEW A PAPER. Advances in Physiology Education, 27(2), 47–52. 

 Annesley. (2011). Top 10 tips for responding to reviewer and editor comments. Clinical Chemistry (Baltimore, Md.), 57(4), 551–554. 

 Derish. (2011). How to write a rave review. Clinical Chemistry., 57(3), 388–391. 

There are also options for open peer review with some publishers and journals:

Schmidt, B., Ross-Hellauer, T., van Edig, X., & Moylan, E. C. (2018). Ten considerations for open peer review. F1000Research7, 969. 

Le Sueur, H., Dagliati, A., Buchan, I., Whetton, A. D., Martin, G. P., Dornan, T., & Geifman, N. (2020). Pride and prejudice - What can we learn from peer review?. Medical teacher42(9), 1012–1018.

And just in case, here's help if you need to peer review data: 

