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Voting and Elections

Voter Education

Before you mail your ballot or go to the polls, make an informed choice about your candidates and the issues. Review the resources and links on this page for more information.

  • Candidates' websites, social media platforms, speeches and debates
  • Endorsements (public support of a candidate)
  • Press coverage and reports from newspapers, television, radio, and social media
  • Political ads and mailings
  • Voting records for incumbents (those looking to be re-elected)
  • Attend to a town hall, constituent meeting, or debate.

Federal and State Legislators: look up their voting record in the links below

County office (commissioner, sheriff, attorney): Go to the county website and review county board actions and meeting information.

City and township office (mayor, city council): Go the city or township’s website and review any information available from their meetings. Local newspapers may have articles.

School board: Go to the school system’s Board of Education website and review any information available from their meetings. Local newspapers may have articles.

Judgeship: Look for an individual judge's website (especially if they are running for election)

Campaign Finance / Funding

Reputable Fact-Checking Sites