A to Z of American Women Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs [ HD 6054.4 .U6 S5 2002 Reference ]
A to Z of American Women in the Visual Arts [ N 6505 .K59 2002 Reference ]
A to Z of American Women Leaders and Activists [ HQ 1412 .L36 2002 Reference ]
A to Z of American women writers [ PS147 .K67 2007 Reference ]
A to Z of Women in Science and Math [ Q 141 .Y675 1999 5th floor books ]
A to Z of Women in World History [ CT 3202 .K84 2002 Reference ]
Encyclopedia of Women's History in America [ HQ 1410 .C85 2000 Reference ]
Facts on File Encyclopedia of Black Women in America [ E 185.96 .F2 1997 Reference ]
Great Lives From History: American Women Series [ HQ 1412 .G74 1995 Reference ]
Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia [ HQ 1115 .W6 1999 Reference ]
Women's Firsts [ CT 3203 .W66 1997 3rd floor books ]