E-resources include databases, websites, e-journals, and e-books that are accessed through OneSearch, the A-Z Databases List, Research Guides, etc.
Looking for type of material
Some types of materials:
Books: They are usually monographs containing information on a specific topic.
Articles: They are short and contain very recent information because they are released much faster than a book.
Peer review articles: are those that were reviewed by other experts for being published.
Databases: These are electronic platforms that contain articles, books and other materials and provide access to the full text. Sometimes their access may require a subscription.
Statistics: this type of information allows us to contextualize our research problem. Most of the time this type of information is found in governmental or specialized sites.
Reference materials: We know them as dictionaries, encyclopedias, indexes, etc., these materials offer an overview of the different areas of knowledge. There are specialized and general materials and they are an excellent starting point.
Theses: these materials help us to know how other researchers approached topics of our interest.
Primary Sources: this information contributes to historical research or archival materials to support the research work.
News: sometimes research topics can use this type of resources depending on the topic's scope.
Images and videos: in addition to illustrating our research, they can also be objects of study.