You can search through the library's special collections by visiting their finding aid database here.
You can also search the archives from the library's website by clicking on the Archives tab and entering your search terms in the box below.
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These entries describe historical primary source collections available for research in the Special Collections department at the SDSU Library. Special Collections houses unique archival and manuscript collections, rare books and manuscripts, and graphic/ephemera collections.
Alternative Religious Movements Collection:
This collection primarily documents non-mainstream religions in America, including Theosophy (with particular emphasis on the Point Loma Theosophical community in San Diego and associated persons); Scientology; general esotericism; Spiritualism; New Thought; Christian Science; Rosicrucianism, and various other religious groups, especially in California.
The Alternative Religious Movements Collection brings together several previously existing Rare Book collections in Special Collections, including the Krishnamurti Collection, donor Hugh Hyde, gifts from the Institute for the Study of American Religions. To view this still-growing collections, search “Alternative Religious Movements Collection” in the PAC Advanced Keyword Search, and limit your search to “Special Collections.”
Rare Books Collection:
Many books on the subject of religion appear under the LC letter “B”: browsing call number combinations throughout this area can often unearth interesting items. Possible keywords to use in searches include: religio*, sermon, sacred, spirit*, [denominations], preach*, etc.