Finding articles about initiatives, new product or service offerings, campaigns, or executive changes that directly relate to your position can really give you an edge in an interview. Below are some strategies that you can use to find out more about the company in relation to the position you are applying for. Several of the specifics on how to construct advanced article searches in the library databases are covered in the library's Business Research Guide in the "Searching for Articles: Tips and Tricks" page. Please refer to this page if you are unclear about any of the search strategies below.
Example Article Search for a MIS or CS Position:
org(etsy) AND (systems OR networks OR IT OR security OR usability OR programming OR solutions)
*Each of the business databases should have a company search limiter and this is an example from the ABI/INFORM database
Example Article Search for a Marketing or PR Position:
"Power Digital Marketing" AND (campaign OR marketing OR advertis* OR brand OR PR OR "public relation*")
Example Article Search for a Management or Operations Position:
illumina AND (leadership OR organization OR management OR culture OR logistics OR "supply chain" OR distribution)
Example Article Search for an Accounting Position:
"sharp healthcare" AND (budgeting OR forecasting OR "financial position*" OR "cash flow")
Example Article Search for a Finance Position:
"HCAP Partners" AND (investments OR performance OR strateg* OR "sector focus")
The Business Article Databases page of the Business Research Guide lists all of the pertinent databases where you can search for these questions. In addition to broad business databases, this page also links to the databases that contain California newspapers, like the San Diego Union-Tribune, and the databases that contain local business news from sources such as the San Diego Business Journal.
Company Websites and How to Find Press Pages:
When preparing for an interview, always review the company's website. You can generally find a lot of information about the company in their about pages, including who the leadership is. Most companies also have press pages where they have their press releases, and the press releases are usually covering initiatives, new products or services, or philanthropy that the company wants covered in the news. If you can't find a company's press page, try googling the company's name and press page, newsroom, or media center. These are generally valuable sources of information, and most private and public companies have them.
Here are two examples from a Public and a Private Company in the San Diego area: