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RWS 305W & RWS 390W

Market/Brand Share

Difference Between Market and Brand Share:

Market share is the percentage of the overall market that is owned by a particular company, and brand share is the percentage of the overall market that is owned by a particular brand. This is an important distinction in industries where a select few companies own a multitude of brands, such as craft beer.

Example of Market Share:

  • The % of the overall beer market that is owned by the Molson Coors Brewing Company

Example of Brand Share:

  • The % of the craft beer market that is owned by the Goose Island Brewery (Goose Island is a subsidiary of Anheuser Busch InBev, not a stand alone company)

Using Passport for Finding Market or Brand Share:

Other Sources for Market or Brand Share:

Business Rankings

ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rankings

Library Databases:

Free Websites:

Most of this content was written by or adapted from Kresge Library Services (Current as of August 20th, 2019).