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Pol S 495

Scenario: Laws and Regulations

As an intern, you are asked to locate any laws, regulations, and/or related legal information on _________ (topic) for ______________ (location). The details provided for this research to you were minimal but require an in-depth research analysis into the topic. The following resources would be good places to start depending on the topic.

Key concepts to consider for this scenario:

  • Time: Current or historical
  • Level: Municipal, State, Regional, National, or International

Scenario: Fiscal Analysis

As an intern you are asked to research the revenue sources for _________ and the potential impact of a tax revenue income change based on a proposed bill, initiative, proposition, and/or a broader fiscal situation. You are asked to place the impact within the context of current, and/or historical trends both locally and at a broader level (statewide and/or nationally).

Key concepts to consider for this scenario:

  • What is the revenue source that is being analyzed? (ex. Sales Tax, Property Tax, Income Tax...)
  • Who collects the data/information needed? (Local, State, Federal)
  • Who is producing the data/information you are using? Does the data/information presented have an underlying bias/perspective?
  • Is there historical information/precedent for this topic? If not, what current/historical topic is most closely related?

Scenario: Policy Analysis

As an intern you are asked to conduct research to inform the drafting of a policy on ___________. The research should be as comprehensive as possible looking at how other municipalities, organizations, states, and or nations have drafted policy on this topic. 

Key concepts to consider for this scenario:

  • What phases/terms best describe the core concept of this policy?
  • Who is the audience this policy is designed to impact/assist?
  • Have other locations enacted similar policies? If so has this policy informed a bill or law?
  • What are the potential fiscal impacts of this policy?