This guide offers basic information on using images and media in research. Reasonable use of images and media in teaching, course papers, and graduate theses/dissertations are generally covered by fair use.
Flaticon has more than a million icons in all formats, for all kind of projects: presentations, apps, websites, catalogs, infographics etc. Available for free reuse through a Creative Commons license.
Freepik is a search engine that helps users find high-quality photos, vector images, illustrations and PSD files for their creative projects. Reuse available through Creative Commons license or purchase.
Slidesgo offers an extensive catalog of free Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates for creative presentations. These are customizable to better suit the needs of any given user, so the possibilities are endless.
Thingiverse is a universe of things. Download our files and build them with your lasercutter, 3D printer, or CNC. Files are available through GNU General Public License or Creative Commons licenses.
The NIH 3D Print Exchange provides models in formats that are readily compatible with 3D printers, and offers a unique set of tools to create and share 3D-printable models related to biomedical science. Files available through Creative Commons licenses