ENG501 Literature for Children
Documenting the Portrayal of Diversity in Children’s Books
Find picture books in the library catalog at library.sdsu.edu
For keyword, type in picture book
In facets, limit search to 2010-2021
In facets, set location to Juvenile Books
Click on search
Other searches: You can do the same search using folklore or fairy tale or marchen instead of picture book
Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database
Find book reviews for books that interest you
Identify picture books that interest you in your list.
Now, let’s find some reviews of these books to learn more about them and how others have evaluated them.
Open a second tab.
Go to the home page.
Choose databases.
Type in Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database.
Do a title search for your book.
If the review icon appears, look at the reviews.
If not, choose a different book.
Browse the Collection - When browsing a PK-12 school library or a public library use the Dewey Decimal System to find books. Look under these call numbers for books on topics.
000 – Computer science, information & general works
100 – Philosophy & psychology
200 – Religion
300 – Social sciences
400 – Language
500 – Science
600 – Technology
700 – Arts & recreation
800 – Literature
900 – History & geography
Special Collections and University Archives - Sign up and make your appointments using this form https://library.sdsu.edu/scua
Under materials you want to use, write ENG 501 cart.
To find books of folklore in Special Collections use the catalog at library.sdsu.edu
For keyword, type in folklore
In facets, set location to Special Collections
Click on search
Then request that book to view by appointment using the form