Effective Research & Library Assignments
Purpose of library assignments:
An effective library assignment has a specific, understood purpose. It relates to some aspect of the course subject matter and identified learning objectives. Properly implemented library assignments can:
- Lead to increased understanding of the subject through the process of locating information related to the subject.
- Build life-long research skills.
- Reinforce habits of ethical scholarship.
- Makes students aware of the variety of information sources and formats available (e.g. print, electronic, video, microform, etc.).
A library assignment that meets these criteria is an excellent teaching tool, and can enhance and enrich the student's learning experience. It also increases the understanding of the subject matter and builds research skills.
Pitfalls to avoid:
- Assuming most students already know the basics — don't assume that your students have had prior experience in using the library, had an orientation to the library, or that their orientation was relevant to your assignment. Transfer or new graduate students may have no experience with our library. Also, basic introductory skills may be inadequate for an upper level subject-based research assignment.
- Requiring resources that are not available — don't assume what the library has or doesn't have a resource. Resources may change dramatically from semester to semester. The SDSU Library may not have exactly the resource you used at another library. It is always a good idea to retest the assignment or check with a librarian before handing it out.
- An entire class with the same assignment — if an entire class has the same exact assignment, needed resources will be difficult to find at best, disappear or be vandalized at worst. For example, instead of asking an entire class to research the history of IBM, ask them to research the history of a major public American corporation of their choosing. If it is necessary for a whole class to use a particular source or set of sources, have those sources put on reserve.
Find out how to put a book on reserve for your class call 619-594-6793
- The Scavenger Hunt — the least effective assignment possible asks students to locate random facts. It lacks a clear purpose, teaches little, and is very frustrating. Frequently librarians, not students, end up locating the information.
Implementation of library assignments:
The most successful and effective library assignments are those developed through the collaboration of library faculty and departmental teaching faculty.
Librarians are ready and willing to assist individual faculty (or departments) in developing strong, meaningful library research assignments that meet the learning objectives of individual classes and students and that support the teaching efforts of all SDSU faculty.
In order to be effective, instructors should thoroughly prepare students for the assignment:
- Explain the why. Inform students (preferably face-to-face and in writing) why they are doing the research and what purpose it serves in their paper.
- Explain the what. Inform student about the types of sources you expect them to use and what it will add to their work.
- Make access easy. Put required source on Course Reserves- If the assignment requires the use of specific sources, students should be given a list of them and arrangements made with the library to assure availability and access (reserves & e-reserves).
- Consider providing the library with a copy of the assignment. This will help library staff when working with students to complete assignments.
- Schedule a library research instruction session with a librarian to provide customized (to your specific assignment and discipline) instruction for your students in the research process and in locating and ethically using academic information resources.
Characteristics of effective assignments:
- Clarity — if students have trouble understanding what they are supposed to do, they will have trouble doing it. Give library assignments in writing (not orally) to reduce confusion.
- Use of correct terminology — students tend to interpret library assignments very literally and are easily confused by terms they, and the librarian, cannot interpret definitively. Define any questionable words. For example, some instructors differentiate between magazines and journals, while others use the terms interchangeably. Does "library computer" mean the library catalog, the online periodical indexes, or the Internet, etc.? How does your discipline define 'primary sources'?
- Currency — library resources are continually changing and these changes will affect library assignments. Check your assignment regularly so your students are not asked to use outdated or non-existent sources or to locations in the library that have been changed.
- Appropriate time frame — do the assignment yourself to see how long it takes before you decide how long students need to do it. Set an expectation of time that they will need for research. Remember to allow for their inexperience in addition to the various locations of different materials.
Instruction and orientations:
We offer a variety of customized instructional sessions to meet your needs. To schedule as library session - Use the Request Library Instruction online form or contact a subject specialist. To avoid scheduling conflicts, please request instruction sessions as far in advance as possible and at least two weeks prior to the class.
Please Note:
- Classes should be scheduled a week or two in advance!
- Schedule early if you want a session during the first three weeks of a semester as this is a very popular time for library instruction!
- Sessions range from short introductions to multi-hour workshops depending on the needs of the professor. Specialized classes can occur over subsequent weeks to permit students to work between sessions.
- Library instruction is most effective when an assignment is affiliated with the session and instruction is close to the time when the students will be doing the research.