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Resources for students and faculty in audiology

What are Course Reserves?

Course Reserves allow you access to common course-related materials, such as textbooks, course readers, media (Blue-Ray, DVD, VHS), e-Books, and less common materials, such as bones. Materials in Course Reserves generally have a shorter loan period than regular Library material, allowing more students access to the material during the semester.

Checking for Course Reserves for your Course Materials

To see if there are books or materials in Course Reserves for your course:

  1. Select the Course Reserves link located under the OneSearch box on the library homepage 
  2. Enter either your course code or your instructor's last name in the search box
  3. Look for your instructor or course section and click on the link
  4. Check the availability and make note of how long you can check the item out
  5. Head to the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the Library Addition just below the dome and check out the book
  6. Return it to Circulation when it is due so others can use it.