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Sustainability in the SDSU Library

Sustainability Policies and Initiatives in the SDSU Library

San Diego Circuit Consortium

San Diego Circuit is a consortium of 6 public and academic libraries in San Diego County, California. 

We support healthy communities by enhancing information access and learning for all library users.

We serve communities across San Diego County through our libraries:

•    CSUSM University Library
•    San Diego County Library
•    San Diego Public Library
•    San Diego State University Library
•    UC San Diego Library
•    University of San Diego Libraries

Since 1997, we have provided a service for library users to borrow print books from other San Diego Circuit libraries quickly.

Additionally, we collaborate on strategic information initiatives in the San Diego County region.

SD Circuit Health Information

SD Circuit Climate Justice Author Talk Series funded by NNLM All of Us

Funding for this program was provided by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Cooperative Agreement Number U24M014070 with the University of Iowa, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences and University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System.


The Circuit Libraries hosted Winona LaDuke, Harvard-educated economist, thought leader and lecturer in climate justice, renewable energy, and environmental justice. LaDuke discussed various concepts for making our economy more sustainable, improving our agricultural practices, and creating a multicultural democracy. LaDuke is the co-chair of the Indigenous Women’s Network, an advocate for protecting Indigenous plants and heritage foods from patenting and genetic engineering, and she has written extensively on environmental issues.

Wanjiku “Wawa” Gatheru is the founder and executive director of Black Girl Environmentalist, a social media content creator, and public speaker who uses her academic background as a Rhodes Scholar to uplift the voices of those most adversely impacted by the climate crisis. In this talk she discusses the racist roots of the environmental movement and how everyone can be an environmentalist. 

Climate Storyteller Wawa Gatheru Speaks in San Diego | SD Circuit Sustainability Author Talks

On Wednesday, January 31, Black Girl Environmentalist founder, Wanjiku "Wawa" Gatheru spoke at the Spring Valley East Community Center as part of the SD Circuit Sustainability series. The SD Circuit Libraries is a consortium of public and university libraries in the region and include: CSUSM Library, San Diego County Library, San Diego Public Library, San Diego State University Library, UC San Diego Library and the University of San Diego Libraries. This Sustainability series seeks to provide info on climate resilience, sustainable practices and the impact of climate change on public health. 

Please provide feedback to improve our future programming in this series:

Learn more about SD Circuit’s local partner, the All of Us Research Program from UC San Diego Health:

On Februrary 21, 2024, Chris Turner discussed his book How to Be A Climate Optimist which tells a story of a planet in peril and a global effort already beginning to save it. This is a book that moves past the despair and futile anger over ecological collapse and harnesses that passion toward the project of building a twenty-first century quality of life that surpasses the twentieth-century version in every way. This was a collaboration between Circuit, the SDSU LIbrary, SDSU AS Green Love, and SDSU AS Mending Minds.

NNLM Webinar

Circuit Library Worker Webinars