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Navigation Tips

Tips for Navigating SimplyAnalytics:

  1. Create an account to save your work

  2. SimplyAnalytics places data over a map. To begin select the location of your research.

  3. It will ask you to select SEED VARIABLES. These variables will be the first inputs on the map. You can forgo this option if you choose.

  4. I like to select population as a variable to compare statistics.

  5. Select one of the top 3 menus of Locations, Data, or Businesses.

  6. Then select a category.

  7. After selecting a categories the researcher will see the variable options that will then be added to the Map and Comparison Table.

  8. You can continue to add variables by selecting them until they have a blue check mark next to it.

  9. Each added variable from any of the menu options will appear on the Map and Comparison Table.

  10. You can export the map with the legend and table.

Additional Information

SimplyAnalytics gathers data from the Census and MRI-Simmons. MRI-Simmons employs probabilistic and address-based sampling, widely considered to be the gold standard methodology by marketers and researchers alike. This database is especially helpful for identifying local information. For a White Paper or Grant Proposal and research is able to view local businesses/ organizations, affected demographics, the number of people in need of a service.