The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings, debates, and activities of Congress. Although the Record contains a substantially verbatim account of the proceedings and debate, it also contains extensive inserted materials, communications from the President and executive agencies, memorials, and petitions.
There are two editions of the Record, a daily one and a bound, permanent one. The daily edition reports each day’s proceedings in Congress and is published on the succeeding day. Periodically, throughout a session, an index to the daily Record is published. At the end of each session of Congress, all of the daily editions are collected, re-paginated, and re-indexed into a permanent, bound edition. The bound edition usually takes several years to be published after a Congressional session ends. The bound edition is made up of one volume per session of Congress, with each volume published in multiple parts.
This resource searches the full text of three historical newspapers, the Chicago Defender (1909-1975), the Los Angeles Times (1881-1993), and the New York Times with Index (1851-2014).
Other print, microform and online versions are available.
1873 to present |
Cngressional Record, Daily via FDsys Congressional Record, Bound Edition via FDsys Congressional Record |
1833 to 1873 |
Congressional Globe via Library of Congress Congressional Globe |
1924 to 1837 |
Register of Debates via Library of Congress Register of Debates |
1789 to 1824 |
Annals of Congress via Library of Congress Annals of Congress |