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Rhetoric & Writing Studies


Sourcebook on Rhetoric: Key Concepts in Contemporary Rhetorical Studies[ PN172 .J37 2001 Reference ]

This one-volume work describes itself as "a highly textured introduction to contemporary rhetorical theory, one that sacrifices comprehensiveness for depth over the limited array of key concepts that it covers."

The Elements of Style [ PE1408 .S772 2000 Reference ]

One of the most influential stylebooks for writers ever produced, this slender volume presents elementary principles for writing in a clear and concise fashion. Originally produced at by William Strunk, Jr. for his students at Cornell University, the book was prepared for publication during the 1950s by Charlotte's Web author E. B. White, who writes in the introduction that Strunk's purpose in preparing the volume was "to cut the vast tangle of English rhetoric down to size and write its rules and principles on the head of a pin."

The Oxford Guide to English Usage [ PE1091 .W44 1993 Reference ]

Divided into four main sections (Word Formation, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Grammar) with related appendices, this one-volume guide seeks to clarify those matters of English usage "about which there arise uncertainty, difficulty, or disagreement."

A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language [ PE1106 .C65 1985 Reference ]

At nearly 1800 pages, this book provides a very thorough explanation of the rules governing the English language.

Random House English Language Desk Reference [ PE1112 .R36 1995 Reference]

This handy, one-volume guide is divided into six sections: 1.) Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation, 2.) Vocabulary Builder, 3.) Thesaurus of Synonyms and Antonyms, 4.) Rhyming Dictionary, 5.) Desk Dictionary, and 6.) Ready Reference Guide.

Talking About People: A Guide to Fair and Accurate Language [ P301 .M33 1997 Reference ]

The first part of this book provides "writing guidelines" to using non-offensive language and is followed by an alphabetical list (which makes up the bulk of the volume) of terms designed to help writers and speakers in their quest for fair and accurate representations of people.