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Welcome to the research guide to History! We've highlighted a wide variety of resources for you, organized by category and then geographic sub-division. You can search the best databases for scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles, look for primary sources on your topic, and consult print and online reference sources for quick look-ups.

Research Assistance

If you need help with a research paper or a class assignment, you might want to consider contacting the librarian who specializes in that area. You may also get general research assistance through our online chat, by phone, and email.


European, Ancient History, General History

Laurel Bliss
(619) 594-4446
lbliss AT sdsu DOT edu

United States, African, Middle East History

Gloria Rhodes
(619) 594-1169
grhodes AT sdsu DOT edu

Latin American History

Maria Amor
(619) 594-3017
mamor AT sdsu DOT edu

General Research Assistance

eref AT sdsu DOT edu