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Mendeley: Citation Management

How to download and use Mendeley

Mendeley Cite in student Office 365 accounts

Mendeley Cite in Word will not work in SDSU MS 365 accounts. Only approved plugins are available to students.

Install Mendeley Cite for Word

You can download a plugin for word to insert references and bibliographies into your document.  Download the Mendeley Cite plugin for Word from the website OR if you have Mendeley Desktop, go to Tools and select Get Mendeley Cite

*Make sure your word processor is closed before attempting to install the plugin.

Using the Mendeley Plugin for Word

To use Mendeley in Word:

  1. Open a Word document
  2. Go to the References Tab
  3. Look for the section Mendeley Cite-O-Matic


Choose a Citation Style

  1. Go to the References tab in Word 
  2. Look for the Mendeley Cite-O-Matic section
  3. Click the Style drop-down menu and choose a citation style (APA 7th, MLA 9th, etc.). 

In-text Citations

  1. Place your cursor where you would like the citation to appear
  2. Go to the Mendeley Cite-O-Matic (in the Reference tab in Word)
  3. Select Insert Citation


Once you have added citations to your document, you can create a reference list.  

  1. Go to Mendeley Cite-O-Matic (in the Reference tab in Word)
  2. Place your cursor at the end of your document
  3. Select Insert Bibliography