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Open Access Support @ SDSU

Library Support for SDSU authors who publish Open Access

San Diego State University does not currently have a policy for institutional support for open-access publishing. The University Library has made it a priority to support Open Access publishing on campus by entering into "Read & Publish" agreements with publishers.  Under these agreements, the library subscribes to a journal/article package from a publisher and pays an increment above the base subscription fee in order to allow our researchers to publish articles in Gold Open Access and/or in Hybrid Open Access journals either without having to pay Article Processing Charges, a fee many OA journal charge authors to publish their articles and provide perpetual Open Access, or to receive a heavy discount on the APC. Active Read and Publish agreements are listed below.

What if My Journal Isn't in a Read & Publish Agreement?

If you wish to publish Open Access in a journal not covered by an active SDSU OA Read & Publish agreement:

  1. Contact your department chair or dean to see if there are department funds available to support OA publishing.
  2. For new faculty, OA APCs are qualifying startup funds expenses.
  3. Check to see if any co-authors have Read & Publish agreements through their institution.  The agreements require the corresponding author be a member of the institution, it does not have to be the first author.
  4. Contact the journal to see if they will discount or waive the APC due to lack of author funding.
  5. Identify outside funding sources - try this list of research funders and institutions worldwide that cover open access article processing charges (APCs).
  6. When applying for grants, write APCs into the grant budget.

If you have any questions, please contact your SDSU Subject Librarian or Kate Holvoet, Scholarly Communication and Open Initiatives Librarian.

NIH APC Funding Pilot

The NIH Library currently provides limited funding assistance in an effort to support authors affiliated with the National Institutes of Health to publish in an open access format.

The NIH Library negotiates agreements with several scholarly journal publishers and offers article processing charge (APC) support to authors employed by NIH. Please be advised that funding applicants must be the primary corresponding author and the article must utilize both an NIH affiliation and an NIH email address. Library-based APC coverage is currently in a pilot phase based on evolving publisher licenses and therefore a submission request does not guarantee funding. Funding pools may be depleted at any time.

ACS Journals 2022-2025 OA Read & Publish Agreement

Active Dates Articles must be accepted for publication between July 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025.
Eligible Journals All 79 subscription-based and fully open access ACS Journals 
Journal Exclusions none
Eligible Authors Corresponding authors who are current faculty and staff members, researchers (permanent, temporary and/or visiting), and students at SDSU at the time of submission, and you must use your SDSU email address.
Eligible Articles

Article types vary by journal and eligibility is determined by journal editorial staff.
99% of ACS' modeling data:
WOS 'Article' or 'Review'

Article Licenses


ACS' Licenses

Author Workflow Accepted articles are eligible for both the discounted APC of $3,000 and the option for full funding of the APC from the collective subscription pool. If you are an eligible corresponding author and you select the open-access option in ACS’s Journal Publishing Agreement system after your article has been accepted, you will be asked whether or not you have research funds to pay for open-access publishing. After selecting either option (“yes” or “no”) you will receive an invitation to log into the payment processing system used by ACS, CCC RightsLink, to complete the process.

(It is necessary to set up an account in RightsLink first; if you do not have an account, you will be prompted to create one.)

Then click through the following steps in the RightsLink system, including:

Indicate whether you have research funds available to pay the author’s portion of the article processing charge.

- If you have the research funds to pay the $3,000 APC, select “Bill me” in CCC RightsLink and proceed to enter the billing details.

- If you do NOT have research funds to pay the $3,000 APC, select “Seek funding” in CCC RightsLink to have your request routed to the libraries' subscription pool. You do not need to contact the library to make the funding request. Your request will be processed within one business day and if approved, your charge will be paid in full by the library consortium grant fund for this ACS agreement.

Author Information

This agreement is different than SDSU's other Read & Publish agreements.  If your research is grant funded and you set aside funds to pace for the APC, you will receive a discounted rate to publish OA through ACS, but you will pay $3000 for the APC.  If your research is not grant-funded or the APC was not written into the grant, you can seek funding from the library consortium fund for this agreement.

For questions, contact Kate Holvoet.
Author Information

Cambridge Journals 2022 - 2025 Open Access Read & Publish Agreement


Active Dates Articles must be accepted for publication between April 1, 2022 and December 31, 2025.
Eligible Journals CUP hybrid or gold open access journal within the full CUP Journals Package. Eligible Cambridge University Press Journals (Filterable list of 386 gold and hybrid journals eligible for a waiver under the agreement.  
Journal Exclusions There are 19 Cambridge titles that don't yet publish OA through the agreement, and they do not show up on the Eligible Cambridge University Press Journals spreadsheet.
Eligible Authors Corresponding authors who are current faculty and staff members, researchers (permanent, temporary and/or visiting), and students at SDSU at the time of submission, and you must use your SDSU email address.
Eligible Articles

Primary research including
research articles
review articles
rapid communications
brief reports
case reports.

Book reviews, discussions, editorials, introductions, letters, meeting reports and proceedings are not covered under transformative agreements.  See the Cambridge article type definitions for more detail. 

Article Licenses


Cambridge's Creative Commons Licenses

Author Workflow

When a corresponding author submits their article, they enter their affiliation details into the submission system. Details in the 'affiliation string' that are necessary to identify eligibility include their institutional affiliation and email domain. Once the article is accepted, their affiliation string is automatically assigned a Grid ID/ROR . When it matches to an institution participating in the SCELC agreement, they are offered Open Access publishing at no charge. Author's can also use Cambridge's waivers and discounts page to confirm their eligibility ahead of time and view a list of journals covered by the agreement.
Publishing Workflow Video

Author Information Author guide to submitting under the Cambridge Journals transformative agreement
Additional Resources
For questions, contact Kate Holvoet

Elsevier 2022 - 2027 OA Read & Publish Agreement

Active Dates Articles must be accepted for publication between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2027.
Eligible Journals Use the Elsevier journal search tool to find eligible titles.
Eligible Authors

The corresponding author must be affiliated with SDSU: faculty, staff, or
student, and you must use your SDSU email address.

Eligible Articles     Case reports
    Data in Briefs
    Full-length articles
    Original software publication
    Practice guidelines
    Review articles
    Replication studies
    Short communications
    Short surveys
    Video articles
Article Licenses

Choose between
CC BY or

Author Workflow Instructions for Corresponding Authors can be found on the CSU Open Access Agreement with Elsevier Confluence page. Elsevier has prepared a video demonstration of the process.
Author Information See the CSU Open Access Agreement with Elsevier Confluence page for more details and an FAQ.  If you have any questions, contact Kate Holvoet.

IOP Journals 2023-2025 OA Read & Publish Agreement

Active Dates Articles must be accepted for publication between January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2025.
Eligible Journals  Subscription-based and fully open-access journals (IOP page). 2023 Titles (76)
Journal Exclusions American Astronomical Society Journals (these are independent & fully OA as of 2022)
Other Hybrid Society Titles that are not yet participating in the R&P Agreement
Eligible Authors Corresponding authors who are current faculty and staff members, researchers (permanent, temporary and/or visiting), and students at SDSU at the time of submission, and you must use your SDSU email address.
Eligible Articles

Primary research including
research papers
special issue articles
review articles

Article Licenses

ECS titles only also have CC-BY-NC-ND
IOP CC Licenses

Author Workflow Author identification based on autofill institution list and approval is automatic based on Institutional association
Author Information

Author guide to submitting under an IOP transformative agreement

For questions contact Kate Holvoet.

Wiley Journals 2024 OA Read and Publish Pilot

Active Dates Articles must be accepted for publication between January 1, 202 and December 31, 2026.
Eligible Journals

All 1400+ Wiley hybrid journals. Download an XLSX list.

Gold open-access journals from Wiley (300+) and Hindawi ( are also included starting 2023

Journal Exclusions none
Eligible Authors Corresponding authors who are current faculty and researchers (permanent, temporary and/or visiting), staff members, and students at SDSU at the time of submission, and you must use your SDSU email address.
Eligible Articles Articles must be one of the 13 Research and Review article types:
Research Article
Review Article
Short Communication
Case Study
Technical Note
Data Article
Method and Protocol
Practice and Policy
Rapid Publication
Article Licenses Where available, you will be offered a choice of Creative Commons licenses CC-BY
Author Workflow See the Wiley Author Services page for details on selecting a journal and submitting your manuscript.
Author Information Wiley has created a video for OA Authors.  If you have any questions contact Kate Holvoet.