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Public Policy Research

Federal Policy

ProQuest Congressional ðŸ”’ 

Contains citations and full text to U.S. legislative information from 1969 to the present, with additional coverage of Congressional Hearings and Records, Legislative History, Maps, and Vote Reports.

Nexis Uni ðŸ”’

Includes full text sources for regional, national, and international newspapers as well as government, business, law, and medical publications. 


The U.S. Government Printing Office's (GPO) govinfo is an advanced digital system that provides access to government information from all three branches of the U.S. Government. It replaces GPO's FDsys digital system.

Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL) ðŸ”’

Covers the field of homeland security, which includes topics such as terrorism, public health, borders and immigration, intelligence, civil liberties, weapons and the military.

" is the official website for U.S. federal legislative information. The site provides access to accurate, timely, and complete legislative information for Members of Congress, legislative agencies, and the public. It is presented by the Library of Congress using data from the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Government Publishing Office, the Congressional Budget Office, and the Library of Congress."

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State Policy

California Legislative Information to search for California Law Codes and Bills. 

The California State Assembly official website has information about the state's legislative process.

City & County Policies

City of San Diego's City Hall presents information about governing, news, and initiatives.

County of San Diego provides information about county departments and governance. 

City of San Diego Records Management and Archives monitors the disposition of all City records from origin and use through storage, archival retention, to final disposition.

San Diego County Archives program is unit within the Office of the Recorder/County Clerk that manages, preserves, and facilitates access to all those Recorder/County Clerk official records with permanent retention and enduring historic value.