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The Film Literature Index (FLI) annually indexes 150 film and television periodicals from 30 countries cover-to-cover and 200 other periodicals selectively for articles on film and television. The periodicals range from the scholarly to the popular. More than 2,000 subject headings provide detailed analysis of the articles.
Ebsco platform read-aloud feature and screen reader instructions
Cover-to-cover full-image archive.
ProQuest Platform screen reader instructions
Proquest Platform accessibility statement
Cover-to-cover full-image archive, 1881-1993.
ProQuest Platform screen reader instructions
Proquest Platform accessibility statement
Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic) provides access to more than 17,000 news, business and legal sources. Nexi Uni provides access to thousands of news sources in the U.S. and abroad back to the 1970s; aggregated economic data on businesses, corporations, and industries in the U.S. and abroad; and full-text legal documents, including U.S. Federal and State court cases, and law reviews from the late 18th century to present.
Nexis Uni screen reader instructions
Information on the television and movie industries. Includes historical box office information, industry contacts, org charts, production tracking, research, and information on films and TV shows currently in production.