Elections serve as a fundamental measure within the democratic political process. This guide provides initial reference points for U.S. elections and addresses various aspects of research related to U.S. elections. It encompasses both online and print resources covering presidential, federal, state, and local elections. You can explore specific sections using the tabs on the left or access links below.
Elections Research Basics - Find core databases and reference works on elections
US - Presidential - Resources presidential elections research
US - Congressional - Resources for congressional elections research
State & Local - Resources for state and local elections research
California & San Diego Election - Resources for our local area, including links to election information
Research Organizations - Links to elections research organizations
Data & Statistics - Find data portals and statistics related to elections
Gerrymandering - Find books and other resources for redistricting and gerrymandering
Voter Suppression - Find resources related to voter suppression
Campaign Finance - Find resources for campaign finance