Graduate students are encouraged to create a personal account with EBSCO and adopt a citation management tool.
You can set up a personal account that you can use to save search results, persistent links to searches, saved searches, search alerts, journal alerts and web pages to your personal folder. Saved searches are retrieved and reused as needed. Search alerts will run automatically and EBSCO will e-mail you any new results.
To set up a personal account:
You will get a message letting you know your account is set up. Use the Sign in link to sign in to your account.
Saved searches are retrieved and reused as needed.
A. To save searches:
B. To retrieve searches:
C. To print search history:
Search alerts will run automatically and EBSCO will e-mail you any new results.
You can set up an e-mail alert to automatically notify you each time a new issue is available for a selected journal title.