If you want to browse in the Electrical Engineering area, go to the T-TS call numbers on Love Library 5th floor. [see map of 5th floor]
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The SPIE Digital Library has extensive resources available on optics and photonics, providing access to more than 466,000 technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings and more than 310 eBooks from SPIE Press from 1962 to the present. More than 18,000 new technical papers and 25 eBooks are added annually.
To further access to material for SDSU affiliates, the library two additional methods for patrons to obtain material.
If you can't find material through the SDSU Library Catalog or there isn't an available copy at SDSU, try search Circuit. Circuit provides access to material from Cal State San Marcus, San Diego County Library, San Diego Public Library, UC San Diego, University of San Diego. SDSU affiliates can request that material available from these libraries be sent to the SDSU Library.
Still unable to located a copy of the material you would like to view, try search the WorldCat which will help identify if there is a library anywhere in the world that holds a copy. If you located a copy, you can submit an Interlibrary Loan request for us to try to obtain the copy for you.
Or submit an Interlibrary Loan request and we will try to find a copy for you.