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Integrating Library Resources in Canvas

This guide is a place for faculty to discover different ways to link SDSU Library resources to your courses in Canvas (or any course web page).


The SDSU Library offers tutorials and modules that can help your students with their research. You can add these tutorials and modules to your class  3 ways

  • Searching SDSU Library in Canvas Commons, and choosing the tutorial that fits your needs, then follow the steps outlined in the second box below to add it to you course in Canvas
  • Adding a link to the corresponding tab on the A How-To Research Tutorials Homepage Guide pictured and linked below 
  • Adding a link to the corresponding tab on the Tutorials & How Tos Guide pictured and linked below  

Adding a SDSU Library Tutorial or Module from Canvas Commons

The SDSU Library has several tutorials and videos uploaded to Canvas Commons to make adding library and research instruction and resources that support students easy.  

To add a Library Module from Canvas Commons. 

  1. Select the Import from Commons button on the left navigation plane in your Canvas course 
  2. Once Canvas Commons loads type SDSU Library  in the search box at the top of the page
  3. Select the item that you want to include by clicking on the title
  4. Select  Import/Download from the left navigation bar 
  5. Chose the course or courses that you want to add the item to by checking those boxes
  6. Click the Import into Course button.