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Integrating Library Resources in Canvas

This guide is a place for faculty to discover different ways to link SDSU Library resources to your courses in Canvas (or any course web page).

Best Option

Best option

Your best option to give students access to library databases in your subject area is to link to a Library Research Guide. Research Guides are developed by librarians an provide links to subject specific databases.They also often have tips, suggestions, and instruction on how to effectively use and search those databases.  Reach out to your subject librarian for course specific guides. 

Link to a Database

Linking directly to a database

  1. Click on the Databases tab above the search box on the library website
  2. Enter the name of the database or click on the Databases A-Z button and browse alphabetically or use the dropdowns to limit your resets by subject or database type
  3. Once you have located the database you want, click on the share button to the right of the database name 
  4. Copy and paste the link

