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Integrating Library Resources in Canvas

This guide is a place for faculty to discover different ways to link SDSU Library resources to your courses in Canvas (or any course web page).

Streaming Media at SDSU Library

The SDSU Library provides access to numerous video and audio streaming resources. Streaming media includes sound and video that is watched or viewed on the internet. Streaming content is ever-evolving so feel free to contact the librarian for your subject area for assistance in identifying audio and video resources. The Library also provides access to a large DVD Collection that can be borrowed for classroom viewing.



Make sure you're accessing Swank, Kanopy (or other streaming databases) from the Library's website and not from the general internet. Their systems need to know that you're part of SDSU to give you access to the films we have. When you click on a link to one of the streaming media platforms, it will ask you to log in with your SDSUID. In some instances, these systems will wait until you click to play a film to ask you to login with your SDSUID. Here's a quick way to get to all of the streaming media platforms we provide: You do not need to log in to Swank separately after following the steps above. 

The Library pays for access to specific film titles requested by instructors (i.e. we do not have access to all of the titles you may find in databases like Swank). Typically, if we already have a license for streaming a film, it will appear in the Library's online catalog, so you can also search here to see if we have a license to a title you need and follow the links in the catalog.

If you are trying to access a film for which it does not appear we have a license, ask your instructor if they will request it for the course using this form and we will do our best to add it:



Typically, if we already have a license for streaming a film, it will appear in the Library's Online Catalog. A title needs to be available through one of the vendors willing to provide institutional access to libraries, so Kanopy, Swank, AVON etc. Unfortunately, we cannot get access to titles where the only outlet on which it's streaming has an individual subscription business model, like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Vudu, iTunes, YouTube etc


If you are attempting to stream a film in real time with your students, please refer to the tips included in the "Using Streaming Media in Class" Guide (link on the menu to the left). We have discovered that certain web browsers - or editions of web browsers - may not work to synchronously stream, but Google Chrome does seem to work well.


The Library DOES NOT offer web hosting for streaming media or media digitization services for DVDs or VHS tapes.
If a faculty member would like to stream media content in their course via the Library, the title needs to be available in one of the streaming media platforms to which we subscribe. Although Hulu, Netflix, HBO, and several streaming providers do not offer institutional subscriptions to their content, the library will explore additional vendors if the vendor sells institutional licenses for educational purposes, does not charge a platform fee, and provides hosting. Requests from new vendors will be considered, but they are not guaranteed and may take more time to process.
If a faculty member would like to show a DVD or a VHS in their course, the library needs to own a physical DVD or VHS copy. See Showing Movies in Class via Zoom for more details on using physical media in the classroom. If a title is unavailable on one of these platforms and the library doesn't own the DVD, you can also request a DVD purchase using the Library Purchase Request Form. If the library cannot fill the request, please contact Montezuma Publishing to find out if they can secure streaming rights for the content you wish to use.


Streaming Media Guide

Streaming Media Guide

Streaming Media Guide Home Page

How to add video to your Canvas site

How to add streaming video to your Canvas site:

Example of where to find link in Kanopy.

  1. Find your video - Use the Streaming Media guide above to locate the title that you want to use
  2. Get a sharable link to your video. - Each service works a little differently. Some databases will have an embed code, while other databases will provide a permalink. Look for the word Share or Permalink if you plan on linking to the materials.

From there you can: 

  • Link to a film on your Canvas site by simply adding a link to your course page,

  • Embed the film by choosing the embed code.

    1. Open the Page in Canvas

    2. Give a title to the page 

    3.  Click on the </>  icon under the box where you would add the content and on the right side. This will show you the Raw HTML Editor view 

    4. Paste the embed code into the HTML editor box

    5. Click the Save button

    6. View the video embedded into your Page.