If you are using an institutional version of Microsoft Office, these errors occur when a system administrator has blocked the ability of members of the institution to install and access add-ins in Microsoft Word. This issue is caused by the set-up of your Microsoft Office account by the administrator and is out of the control of Mendeley.
Fortunately, this issue can be easily resolve by your system administrator. To do so, please request the ability to install Mendeley Cite. Step-by-step instructions for deploying Office add-ins can be found here, please share this link with your administrator if needed.
Alert message reads: "We couldn't load this add-in because we couldn't connect to the catalog" There are a number of possible causes of this error message:
If you have checked that your internet connection is not an issue, and you are using an institutional version of Microsoft Office, this error can occur when a system administrator has blocked the access to certain add-ins.
Fortunately, this issue can be easily resolve by your system administrator. To do so, please request the ability to install Mendeley Cite. Step-by-step instructions for deploying Office add-ins can be found here, please share this link with your administrator.
You will be able to install and access Mendeley Cite if you sign in to a free Microsoft Word service (such as Word Online) using a personal Microsoft account. This way, you can install Mendeley Cite onto your own personal account in Word.