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E-book & Streaming Media Management

This guide describes E-book and streaming media collection management resources and tips.

Ebook ILL

Project Background

Ebook ILL is a pilot project between Fullerton and SDSU in 2022 and is extended to 2023. The selected ebook records are provided by ProQuest. The link for each ebook is changed to an ILL request. The lending/borrowing is only single-user. Even though many of the books are multi-user; that limitation was a stipulation the publishers added in order to get them to participate in the experiment.

What to do with ebooks that purchased after 2022 and has a dup in the ebook lending collection?

Acquisitions may order new ebooks after 2022 that are not included in the ebook list submitted to ProQuest in 2022. If we own the ebook, we prefer to only provide the purchased link to users and hide the ebook ill one. Acquisitions will notify the librarian the new ebooks that are in the ebook lending collection. The librarian need to remove the ebook's portfolio in the ebook ILL collection.

Overlapping analysis: how to find ebook titles that are available in NZ?

The previous section describe the local practice for addressing the newly purchased ebook titles in IZ. Librarians can configure the Alma import profile to prevent any matched titles import into IZ. However, what if the MARC records provided by ProQuest have matched titles in NZ? Like the screenshot below shows, if we don't catch the titles that we have access to NZ, users will see the two links for those titles: first is the ebook ILL link, the second one is the NZ link. Our local preference is to provide users with the NZ link and hide/remove the ebook ILL link. 

You can compare MARC records from ProQuest with NZ prior to do any ebook ILL MARC import or run the overlapping analysis regularly to remove/suppress the IZ bibs. To run this comparison analysis,  you will need to use the ebooks' ISBN number and Alma's Overlap and Collection Analysis - look up titles function.

  • Create a excel file (.xlsx or .xls). The first column in the first sheet must be one of the following values: eISBN/ISBN (eISBN and ISBN values can occur in the same column (each in a separated line), eISSN/ISSN (eISSN and ISSN values can occur in the same column (each in a separate line), LCCN, TITLE.
  • Open MarcEdit. Select Tools > Select MARC Records > Extract Selected Records. Import the ProQuest delivered MARC records and match the records using 020$a, click invert selections and then generate report. MarcEdit will generate a TXT file with the ISBN number of all the records in the MARC file. Paste the ISBN number from the TXT file to the excel file you created in the previous step.

  • Open Alma > Resources > Advanced Tools > Overlap and Collection Analysis > Create a new analysis > Look at titles. Type in the name of the analysis and description, select the input excel file, and configure the setting as below. Then generate the report

  • The Alma generated excel report will have three tabs in it. The matched ISBN is in the Matches with Resource(s) tab. You can select to suppress or remove the matched titles form the IZ ebook lending collection. 
Monthly new ebook import steps
  • Bib record is delivered by ProQuest through email. Download files that do not include SDSU in the file name: e.g., (date)_EILL_fullerton_Express-UTF8.mrc file
  • Use MarcEdit get the 001 field value in the marc file. After import MARC files and select all 001 fields, click Generate Report. This will generate a TXT file of all 001 fields in the monthly delievered ILL MARC records.

  • Create an empty spreadsheet, paste both the current month's 001 field values and last month's in the spreadsheet, highlight the fields with duplicate values, and create a txt file for the new 001 fields in this month's file.
  • Use MarcEdit to extract the records with the new 001 field value

  • Use MarcEdit to convert the generated file to MARC format.
  • Run the "Ebook ILL" import profile in Alma for the ebook lending collection, which has disabled the import of matched (duplicate) titles into Alma.
  • Go to the collection page, download the portfolio information.