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A How-To Research Tutorials Homepage

Use this comprehensive list of tutorials and modules to learn how to be a better researcher

Accessing a Library Article Linked in a Canvas Class

Are you or your students unsure how access the articles froth library that are linked in Canvas? Don't worry, you can include these instructions and animate gif into your class.   Add it to your course by searching for and selecting Accessing Library Articles in a Canvas Course module in Canvas Commons, selecting the course you want to add it to, and clicking on the Import into Course button.   

  1. Select the module and click on the link for the book
  2. The article result will come up, click on the link, or one of the links listed after Full text available at: 
  3. You may be asked to log into your SDSU account.  Use your SDSU email address and password
  4.  If you do not see the text immediately, look for a link labeled Full text, PDF, or HTML