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Conducting Research
Video: The Research Process Part 1 (Pre-Research) and Part 2 (In-Depth Research, Outlining, and Writing
Use this video to demonstrate the value of pre-research. Learn how to align your initial exploration to your assignment requirements.
Tutorial: Choosing a Topic
Background research is an essential component of the research process. In this tutorial, you will learn how to differentiate between background and in-depth research, and locate and use background research to refine your research focus.
Video: How to Narrow Your Topic
Having trouble selecting a topic for a research assignment? This video will outline the process to help you hone in on a compelling research topic with appropriate scope using strategies like strategic searching. You will also understand the importance of open mindedness and flexibility in the research process.
Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 1
Familiarize yourself with strategic searching and learn the purpose and uses of natural language and Boolean operators to broaden and narrow the scope of your search.
Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 2
Learn strategic search approaches to navigate scholarly databases. This tutorial introduces you to advanced search techniques for broadening and narrowing the scope of a search.
Tutorial: Annotated Bibliography
Learn about annotated bibliographies and the role annotations play in research and scholarship. This tutorial will help you identify the purpose, structure, and content of annotated bibliographies and create your own annotations.
Video: Anatomy of a Research Paper
This video provides you with an overview of the basic structure of a research paper.
Video: Thesis Statements
This video will help you identify the purpose of your research efforts and construct evidence-based statements. You will learn how to narrow in on a topic, conduct background research, and synthesize the existing body of evidence in order to craft a compelling argument.