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A How-To Research Tutorials Homepage

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Why Google Scholar?

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.

Materials found through Google Scholar may or may not be peer-reviewed. 

Google Scholar provides results across a variety of collections which means that not everything that you find there will be freely available, to set up access to SDSU Library's subscriptions follow the steps below.

Configuring Google Scholar for SDSU



To​​ display ​​SDSU ​​Library materials ​in Google Scholar and include a link to those materials in the results, on the Google​​ Scholar​​ main​​page:

  1. Click​​​  on the menu button on the left of the page and select Settings​​​
  2.  Select Library ​​links ​​​and ​​type SDSU
  3. Enter San Diego State into the search box and search. 
  4. Check the boxes labeled San Diego State University and click Save

To access the materials from a Google Scholar result look for the link labeled Find it at SDSU,  or a direct link to the library database.

Configured Search Box

Use the configured search box below to search for full text content provided by SDSU.

You can bookmark this configured search using this link:

Look for the Find it @ SDSU link next to results. Use that link to access SDSU library subscription content.
Off campus users must log in once they click on an article with their SDSUid and password.